News — fungi
Aspergillosis (Thrush) in Pigeons
Posted by Danny Evans on
Aspergillosis (Thrush) in pigeons Aspergillosis is readily avoidable by not useing mouldy damp hay or straw in the loft. Never buy store or feed damp corn or feed. Diagnosis; White plaque - like lesions seen in the mouths of pigeons and the failure of birds to respond adequately to antibiotic treatment & canker treatment & the presence of mouldy bedding & food in the loft. Candida is the name of the fungi causing Aspergillosis, Candida tends to colonise in birds which have a compromised immune system & there is a challenge...
Moulds, fungi & yeasts - what you need to know!
Posted by sharmila Samrai on
Moulds, fungi & yeasts are present in the atmosphere, especially in damp environments - Just try leaving damp bread out on the kitchen work surface & within a couple of days you will see a mould growth on the bread! Poorly ventilated lofts & feeding damp musty feed can indeed increase the risk of your birds, do not feed brewers yeast to unwell birds as this may exacerbate the condition. Please note that the disease 'pigeon fanciers lung' is caused by an allergy to 'pigeon bloom' and not mould. Aspergillus mould is the most common mould affecting pigeons. This mould colonises...